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10 если 1 that she would be late. a tells в said c told 2 he thieves, but they got away. a after b across c away 3 excuse me, could the way to the bank, please? a tell b told c say 4 i can't outfit to wear. a from b of c on 5 hit us if we didn't give them the money. a offered b threatened c suggested 6 this is the was stolen last week. a which b who c whose 7 morning to him, but he ignored me. a say b said c told 8 my pen has , so i can't finish this letter. a away b into c out of 9 if we can't find a hotel, i'm sure bill will put a out b up c down 10 mark good deas at today's meeting. a up b back c forward 11 she was number of presents she received. a about b at c with 12 breaking the window. a admitted b apologised c accused 13 the bought had been damaged. a who b where c that 14 he asked had any experience in banking. a why b that c if 15 the security guards prevented the building. a from b to c of 16 he was always taking her things. a complained b denied c boasted 17 the next door wants to be a singer. a which b who c where 18 the left is that he felt ill. a why b why c when 19 i haven't since she moved away. a of b to c from 20 this record reminds youth. a of b into c with

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1.c 2.a 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.a 10.c? ? 11.a 12.b 13.c 14.c 15.c 16.a? ? 17.b 18. a b(они одинаковые) 19.c? ? 20.a

1.  this shop sells:   cooks fried potatoes called chips and fish, pies, mushy peas, etc.2. the chips used to be wrapped in white paper.3. salt and vinegar.

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