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Задать 4 вопроса к каждому предложению ( общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный). 1. lomonosov stated the law of conservation of matter. 2. robert stephenson built several famous bridges. 3.the house requires painting. 4.buchingham palace is the queen’s official london residence. 5.the light travels in straight line.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. общий: did lomonosov state the law of conservation of matter? специальный: who  stated the law of conservation of matter? альтернативный: did  lomonosov or mendeleev state the law of conservation of matter? разделительный:   lomonosov stated the law of conservation of matter, didn't he? 2. общий: did  robert stephenson build several famous bridges? специальный: what did  robert stephenson build? альтернативный: did  robert stephenson buil several famous bridges or castles. разделительный: robert stephenson built several famous bridges, didn't he? 3.общий: does the house require painting? специальный: what  he house require? альтернативный: does the house require painting or reconstruction? разделительный:   the house requires painting, doesn't it? 4.общий: is buchingham palace the queen’s official london residence? специальный: whose  official london residence is buchingham palace? альтернативный:   is  buchingham palace the queen’s official london or manchester residence? разделительный:   buchingham palace is the queen’s official london residence, isn't it? 5.общий: does the light travel in straight line? специальный: how does the light travel? альтернативный: does the light travel in straight or curvy line? разделительный:   the light travels in straight line, doesn't it?

Yes. i well dance of friday. yes. i well play badminton of thursdays. yes. i well go shcool of saturday. yes. i well watch tv .

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