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It was/is sunny now. it is/was thursday yesterday. ann and frank are/ were friends last year. i am/was in the mountains last sunday. we are/ were in a comfoftable hotel last weekend. he is/ was at school last month. підкресли правильне слово

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. is 2. was 3. were 4. was 5. were 6. was

ответ:2. Has Molly switched off the computer?

3.Has Molly tidied her bedrrom?

4.Has Molly finished her homework?

5.Has Molly made her bed?

6.Has Molly eaten the apple?

7.Has Molly closed the curtains?

8.Has Molly put her books away?

2.Yes, she has

3.No, she has'nt

4.No, shw hasn't

5.No, she hasn't

6.No, she hasn't

7.Yes, she has

8.Yes, she has

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