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Меня зовут ангелина.у меня есть брат.у меня есть мама и папа.у нас есть кошка и собака. у меня есть компьютер.у моего брата есть телефон.у моих родителей есть машина.дорые люди переведите на ал. яз

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Ответы на вопрос:

My name is angelina.i have got a brother. i have got a mother and a father. we have got a cat and a dog. i have got a computer. my brother has got a phone. my parents have got a car.

My name is angelina.i have a brother. i have mother and father. we have   a cat and a dog. i have a computer. my brother has a phone.my parents have a car.

1) i wish i were free now!  

2)   i wish i had had more time yesterday. 

3) i wish you wrote her about it yourself. 

4)   i wish it were not too late to go there.

5)   oh, how i wish i had come to the railway station on time!  

6) i wish you had read this wonderful book. 

7) i wish we had holidays now.

8) i wish he came tonight!

9) i wish you were interested in this subject. 

10) i wish we had not missed the train. 

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