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21 .отвечайте правильно,иначе . annie was waiting for her guests. her birthday was on 25th december and she felt this was both lucky and unlucky. it great to have her birthday on a special day like christmas. but, on the other hand, very few of annie’s friends came to her party. most of them had family plans for that day. be the doorbell and her classmate, brian, appeared. he had a plastic bag in his hand. ring “happy birthday, annie! ” brain said and got an old oil lamp out of his bag. annie hide her surprise: “what’s this? and where did you buy it? ” not/can “a magic lamp. and i didn’t buy it. it in the attic of an old country house a year ago. find my friend found it when they the house. repair he says if you light the lamp and make a wish, the wish true. it works particularly well with reasonable wishes that are not too big for the lamp. its magic is not very strong.” come annie laughed aloud. “i’ve never got a present than this. ok, let’s test your lamp.” original annie lit it and said: “i wish the whole class would come to party today”. i as soon as she it, the doorbell rang impatiently. say прочитайте ниже текст. преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27–32, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. заполните пропуски полученными словами. каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному 27–32. recently my neighbour michael wilkins got a job in sales. however, soon he found out that being a sales did not make him happy. manage he had to work long hours, and the job was and demanding. stress the atmosphere in the office was very and the workers often quarreled with each other. friendly so michael decided to look for a more job. attract in the local newspaper, he saw an from a pizzeria. it was close to his house and they needed a waiter. michael decided to apply and didn’t regret it. advertise

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1- was 2 - rang 3 - couldn't 4 - was found  5 - were repairing 6 - will come 7 - more original 8 - my 9 - had said ll recently my neighbour michael wilkins got a job in sales. however, soon he found out that being a sales__manager did not make him happy.  he had to work long hours, and the job was __stressful and demanding.    the atmosphere in the office was very __unfriendly and the workers often quarreled with each other.    so michael decided to look for a more __attractive job.  in the local newspaper, he saw an __advertisement from a pizzeria. it was close to his house and they needed a waiter. michael decided to apply and didn’t regret it. 

мини - сочинение о моем любимом блюде

                              my favourite dish

i find it difficult to say what the world cuisine i prefer. however, i do know that i love sweets. my favourite dish is a "napoleon" cake. in fact, the history of its name has nothing to do with the french commander, and the cake’s name refers to the "naples" (naples origin). in our country, the first time this dessert tasted in the early 20th century. it immediately gained popularity among the people.

"napoleon" dessert is a layer cake with a light custard cream, sometimes the cream could be replaced with condensed milk filling. this meal is beyond all praise. every homemaker prepares it for own recipe. i love my mother's recipe for this dish, with usage of some fresh berries. once i tried to cook it with some frozen puff pastry just to get it in short time, it was quite tasty, but my mom’s recipe was the prefect one.  in fact, i would be interested to know whether this dish was tasted by napoleon.

если нужен перевод: я затрудняюсь сказать, какую кухню мира я предпочитаю. тем не менее, я точно знаю, что люблю сладости. моим любимым блюдом является торт «наполеон». на самом деле, его названия никак не связана с французским полководцем, название относится к «неаполитанский» (неаполитанского происхождения). в нашей стране впервые этот десерт попробовали в начале 20 века. он сразу приобрел популярность среди населения.

торт «наполеон» представляет собой слоеный пирог с легким яично-молочным кремом, иногда крем заменяют на сгущённое молоко. эта еда выше всяких похвал. каждая хозяйка готовит его по своему рецепту. я люблю мамин рецепт этого блюда, с добавлением свежих ягод. однажды я попробовала приготовить его с замороженного слоеного теста, было вкусно, но мамин рецепт был лучше. на самом деле, мне интересно было ли блюдо попробовано самим наполеоном.

Популярно: Английский язык