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Всем! прошу с мне нужен эссе на на тему "my best friends"

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We need so many things in our life. some of them are of greater, some of them are of less importance. but what everybody needs most of all in his life is a good friend, of course. we need him when we are in trouble. we need him to share our happiness. sometimes it takes the whole life to find a real friend, whom you can rely on in any situation.нам так много нужно в жизни. что-то имеет большее, что-то меньшее значение. но больше всего в жизни, каждому из нас необходим хороший друг. мы нуждаемся в нем, когда мы в беде. нам нужен друг, чтобы поделиться своим счастьем. иногда нужно прожить всю жизнь, чтобы найти настоящего друга, на которого можно положиться в любой ситуации.

EXERCISE 28. Make up questions the answers to which there will be words in italics. The words in brackets will help you.

1. TV brings its viewers many programmes (what).

2. Television provides entertainment programmes (what).

3. People can subscribe to cable TV (who).

4. Radio is also one of the most important mass media (what).

5. Radio broadcasts news (what).

1. What does TV bring its viewers? (what).

2. What does television provide? (what).

3. Who can subscribe to cable TV? (who).

4. What is also one of the most important mass media? (what).

5. What does radio broadcast? (what).

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