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1.don't be late. the film at 8: 00 pm. a is starting b will start c starts 2.the plane took off ten minutes after the last passenger it. a caught b booked c boarded 3.bill never buys whole cds. he pays for and the songs he likes, which works out cheaper. a installs b connects c downloads 4. home yesterday, when she slipped on a banana peel and fell down. a walked b was walking c had walked 5.this picture at the beginning of the century. a painted b had painted c was painted 6.maria put her daughter's picture in a frame. a silver, lovely, modern b lovely, modern, silver c modern, silver, lovely 7. jill is very honest. cheated in the test. a not believe b don't believe c am not believing 8.the cat went the mouse, but was unable to catch it. a off b through c after 9.why is the kitchen so messy? biscuits? a had you been baking b have you been baking c did you baked 10.look at martha's expression. she screaming any minute now! a is starting b is going to start c will start

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1b 2c 3c 4b 5a 6b 7b 8c 9b 10b

Всвой выходной мэри поппинс  надела белый плащ и взяла свой зонтик с ручкой в виде головы попугая. 

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