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In pairs , ask and answer questions about what you would do in each of the following situations. use your own ideas.1. you / see / someone committing a robbery? a: what would you do if you saw someone committing a robbery? b: if i saw someone committing a robbery, i would call the police. 2. you / find / a lot of money. 3. a fire / start / in your home. 4. you / have / a headache. 5. you / see / a stray dog outside your house. 6. your boss / shout / at you.

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. a) what would you do if you found a lot of money? - что бы ты делал если бы нашёл много денег?     b) if i found a lot of money, i would buy ferrari. - если бы я нашёл много денег я бы купил феррари. 3)   a) what would you do if fire started in your home? - что бы ты делал если бы случился в твоём доме?       в) if a fire started in my home i would call  firefighters. - если бы случился в моём доме я бы позвонил . 4) а) what would you do if you had a headache? - что бы ты делал если бы у тебя болела голова?     в) if i had a headache i would take aspirin. - если бы у меня болела голова я бы принял аспирин. 5) а) what would you do if you saw a stray dog outside your house? - что бы ты делал если бы увидел бродячего пса на улице?     в) if i saw a stray dog outside my house i would throw him a piece of meat. - если бы я увидел бродячего пса на улице я бы бросил ему кусок мяса. 6) а) what would you do if your boss shouted at you - что бы ты делал если бы твой босс накричал на тебя?     в) if my boss shouted at me i would kill him. - если бы мой босс накричал на меня я бы убил его.

My favorite football-player is ronaldo (ronaldo luís nazário de lima). many people don't like him, but i adore. he was born in rio (brazil). he hadn't got any money, but he wanted to play football. when he was sixteen he started playing in "cruzeiro", then he went to the world cup in usa. then he played in "barcelona", then he went to milan and played in "inter".later he signed one of the biggest contract with "real" madrid and finished his career in "corinthians" in february 2011. he is widely considered by experts and fans as one of the greatest football players of all time. he won his first ballon d'or as the european footballer of the year in 1997 (aged only 21) and again won the award in 2002 (26 years old). additionally, he is one of only three men to have won the fifa player of the year award three times, along with french footballer zinedine zidane and argentine striker lionel messi. he was the best football-player in europe. now he has a very beautiful wife and son.

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