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Написать сочинение , заранее большое : ) меня зовут дима. мне 17 лет. это лето я провёл хорошо и насыщенно. в июне я ездил в самару в гости к бабушке. гулял по городу, наслаждался архитектурой и культурой города. так же я купался на волге, играл в волейбол и пляжный футбол. в июле я устроился на работу в строительную фирму чтобы подзаработать денег на личные расходы. в августе я был дома. у меня загородный дом с садом. тут тоже комфортно и уютно. лето я провёл замечательно, у меня осталось много хороших впечатлений.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My name is dima. i am 17 years old. this summer i spent a good and full. in june, i traveled to samara to visit grandma. i walked around the city, enjoyed the architecture and culture of the city. i also swam on the volga river, playing volleyball and beach soccer. in july, i got a job in a construction company to earn money for personal expenses. in august, i was at home. i have a country house with a garden. here, too, is very comfortable and cozy. i spent a wonderful summer, i had a lot of good memories.

Where were you writing your wishes when were you making a birthday cake for helen where were you playing with eachother why were you staying at a hotel when were you talking to your teacher when were you visiting your granny to whom were you buying a souvenir why were you meeting mr. green where were you swimming

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