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Complete the sentences. use on, off, up or over. 1 alex rings up his girlfriend ever day. 2. i've finished using the internet. shall i log or do you want to use it? 3. can you turn the television when the film ends? 4. hew do you turn this mobile phone want to make a call. 5. the phone rang and i picked it , but nobody spoke. the person just hung i thing it was a wrong number. 6. were's the remote control? i need to turn to channel 4. 7. please turn all mobile phones in the cinema. 8. u need to send an email, i'm going to log to the internet.

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2. off 3.off 4.on 5. up. over. 6. over 7.off 8.on

The bear live in the forest.He like honey.Once day he look for honey.He found bees.He attack them.He stoled the honey and kill the bees.Перевод:Жил медведь в лесу.Он любил мёд.Однажды он пошел искать мёд.Он нашёл пчёл.Он напал на них.Он украл мёд и убил пчёл.

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