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I'll never forget easter of 1946. i was 14, my little sister ocy was 12, and my elder sister darlene was 16. we lived at home with our mother. our dad had died five years before, mom leaved with three school kids and had no money. a month before easter the pastor of our church asked everyone to save money and help a poor family. when we got home, we talked about what we could do. we decided to buy 50 pounds of potatoes and live on them for a month. when we thought that if we kept our electric lights turned out as much as possible and didn't listen to the radio, we'd save money on that month's electric bill. darlene got as many house and yard cleaning jobs as possible, and both of us babysat for everyone we could. every day we counted the money to see how much we had saved. at night we'd sit in the dark and talk about how the poor family was going to enjoy having the money the church would give them. the day before easter, ocy and i walked to the grocery store and the manager gave us three $20 bills and one $10 bill for all our change. we had never had so much money before. we could hardly wait to get to church. when the pastor was taking money, mom gave him a $10 bill, and each of us, kids, $20. as we walked home after church, we sang all the way. later that afternoon the minister drove up in his car. mom went to the door and then came back with an envelope in her hand. she opened the envelope and out fell a bunch of money. there were three $20 bills, one $10 and seventeen $1 bills.переведите .

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Яникогда не забуду пасху 1946 года. мне было 14, моей младшей сестре оси было 12, и моей старшей сестре дарлин было 16. мы жили в доме с нашей мамой. наш папа умер за пять лет до этого, [не могу точно перевести эту часть из-за leaved, но примерно "мама осталась с тремя детьми школьного возраста  и без денег"]. за месяц до пасхи пастор нашей церкви попросил всех отложить немного  денег чтобы бедной семье. когда мы вернулись домой мы поговорили о том, что мы можем сделать. мы решили купить 50 кг картофеля и прожить на них месяц. когда мы подумали, что если мы будем [держать] свет выключенным как можно дольше и не слушать радио, мы бы деньги на месячный счёт за электричество. дарлин брала много работы по дому и чистке дворов, мы обе присматривали за чужими детьми для кого могли. каждый день мы считали деньги, чтобы понять, сколько мы смогли сохранить/скопить. ночью мы сидели в темноте и говорили о том, как будет рада бедная семья, которая получит деньги от церкви. за день до пасхи, оси и я пошли в продуктовый магазин, где дал нам три 20-долларовых векселя и одну на 10 долларов, в обмен на нашу мелочь. у нас никогда не было так много денег. нам хотелось поскорее попасть в церковь. когда пастор собирал деньги, мама дала ему 10-долларовый вексель, и каждый из нас, по 20 долларов. когда мы шли домой после церкви, мы пели песни весь путь/всю дорогу. позже днем приехал священник. мама пошла к двери и замет вернулась с конвертом в руках. она открыла конверт и оттуда выпала куча/пачка денег. там было три 20-долларовых векселя, один 10-долларовый и семнадцать по одному доллару. примерно

Many years ago, on a day when midsummer's eve fell on a saturday, a wedding-party was celebrating the happy occasion by much merry-making. as the night drew on, and midnight struck, the fiddler declared he would play no longer, as the lord's day had begun. but the bride boasted she would dance if she had to go to hell for a musician. at that moment, a gaily-dressed fiddler came by, and readily fell in with the party's desire. yet later, when they were exhausted and wished him to stop, he would not - and they could not! in the morning, the good parson found no sign of the revellers, but in their place were groups of strange stones which stand to this day.

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