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Circle the right option 1- if i knew/would know the answer i would tell you 2- if mary had his cell phone number, she would phone/ phoned him. 3- if he wouldn’t be/ wasn’t so shy, he would go to parties. 4- if i were rich, i would travel/ travelled around the world. 5- she would get the job if the would speak/ spoke engish.  rewrite these sentences using the second conditional 1- i won’t buy it i don’t have enough money if……………………………………………………………………………. 2- i won’t make my bed, i don’t have time. if………………………………………………………………………… 3- he won’t go to the cinema, he doesn’t like films. if………………………………………………………………………………………… 4- i never do my homework, so my teacher always gets angry with me. if……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5- i don’t have a car, so i have to take the bus. if………………………………………………

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Ответы на вопрос:

#1 1. knew 2.  would phone3.  wasn’t4.  would travel5.  spoke#21. i would buy it if i had enough money2. if i had time, i would make my bed3. if he liked films, he would go to the cinema4. if i did my homework, my teacher wouldn't get angry with me5. if i had a car, i wouldn't have to take a bus

11 knew 2 would phone 3 wasn't 4 would travel 5 spoke второй тип условных предложений (conditional ii) 2 1 i would buy it if i had enough money. 2 if i had time, i would make my bed. 3 if he liked films, he would go to the cinema. 4 if i did my homework, my teacher wouldn't get angry with me. 5 if i had a car, i wouldn't have to take a bus.

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