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Закончите интервью, используя глаголы в одной из существующих форм глагола. -how long have you been writing for teenagers? -for ten years. i ( write) poems and little stories since iwas a child. i like writing for teenagers. when i( write) for young people, i think about writing the plot. -what writers( influence) your writing? -i( read) lots of different things since i learnt to read and i think everything( have) an influence on me. in my early years, j.d. salinger and jack london were my favourite writers. i like crime fiction and i still( read) a lot of american crime writers. i also like reading a lot of non-fiction books. -((to read) much teen fiction by other writers? -i usually( read) a lot. but, when i( write) a book i( try) not to read much teen fiction.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. have been writing 2. write 3. influenced 4. have read 5. has had 6. read 7. do you read 8.   read 9. write 10. try

where are you from?

i'm from russia.

/wer ɑr ˈjuː ˈfrəm/

/i'm ˈfrəm ˈrəʃə/

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