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Диалог межну двумя человекоми, на тему что я делала летом

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hi! how are you? -hi! i'm ok! i want to know, how did you spend your summer holidays? -oh, my summer holidays was amazing! i visited many cities, places of interest and other incredible things! and how did you spend your holidays? -on my holidays i went to the country(деревня) with my parents, here i helped my granny with the house, feeding animas and watering flowers! my summer was not interesting, as yours. your summer was very cool! -thank you! i think you enjoyed your holidays! i' m sorry but, i have to go, see you soon! bye! - bye!

i always/never wake up late. usually i clean my room twice a week. usually i go shopping on weekends with my mom. i read a book sometimes. i wash the dishes sometimes. i always walk to school.

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