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16. (have you known / have you been knowing / did you know) bill since last year? 17. when you (stayed / stay / will stay) in the country, you’ll enjoy the beauty of the countryside. 18. nick (has played / has been played / has been playing) football for three hours. 19. surfing (invented / was invented / was inventing) many years ago. 20. this patient (was cured / will be cured / will cured) by the end of this week. 21. nuclear weapons (mustn’t use / mustn’t be used / mustn’t be using) by people. 22. susie (looked / was looking / had looked) through the letters before her elder sister got them. 23. the continent (discovering / discovered) by cook was called australia. 24. do you know the girl (talking / talked) to tom? 25. (watering / watered) by jane, the flowers looked much fresher. 26. we didn’t expect our relatives (visit / to visit / visited) the lake district. 27. did you notice pauline (to buy / buy / bought) a present for someone? 28. the teacher made the children (clean / to clean / cleaned) the classroom. 29. bill asked if (did i visit / i had visited / had i visited) a desert in california. 30. polly told her son (to not stay / not stay / not to stay) up late. 31. mother told her children (act / to act / acted) their age. 32. ralph asked (did i notice / if i noticed / if i had noticed) a fat man sitting at the front? 33. kate said (summers were/ summers are / summers will be) very humid in moscow. 34. bill asked (where is / where was / where will be) the best place to go surfing

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Ответы на вопрос:

16.  have you known17.  stay18.  has been playing19.  was invented20.  will be cured21.  mustn’t be used22.  had looked23.  discovered24.  talking25.  watered26.  to visit27.  bought28.  clean  29.  i had visited30.  not to stay31.  to act32.  if i had noticed33.  summers were34.  where was

We have a kortoshka growing up in the garden, we go to the garden and together with my father and mother. we then collect it in sacks and in the cellar, then in the winter we take it and clean it and we prepare the kortoshka, it brings a very good benefit

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