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10 ! complete the sentences with a at some. 1.there are grapes in the fridge. 2.sadie's having veggieburger and salad. 3.her gran wants cup of tea and biscuits. 4.i'll have fruit juice, please. 5.would you like peas? 6.could i have sugar, please? 7.there's bottel of ketchut in the cupboard. 8.i'd like water ,please.

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1. some 2. a, some 3. a, some 4. some 5. some 6. some 7. a 8. some

Hello my dear friend!

I am in London near the Big Ben class hours, we walked around it and took pictures, the photos are just class! I recently visited the Kalinka store, haha everything is like in Russia in Soviet times, in general I liked it! By the way, I recently visited a souvenir shop and bought a statue with a Big Ben watch and a Tower of London, as well as a pair of magnets! I’ll arrive in a week, don’t be bored !!!


Привет мой дорогой друг!

Я находусь в лондоне около классных часов Биг-Бен, мы около него и сфотографировались, фотографии класс! Я недавно посетил магазин Kalinka, ха-ха там всё как на руси в советские времена, в общем мне понравилось! Я кстати тут недавно посетил магазинчик с сувенирами и прикупил статую с часами Биг-Бен и лондонским тауэром, а также пара магнитиков! Приеду через неделю, не скучай!!!

Популярно: Английский язык