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Переведите на анг.яз меня зовут вика мне 12 лет. занимаюсь спортом гимнастикой и легкой атлетикой. я люблю сладкое, у меня есть младший брат кирилл. бы хомячек,рыбки,попугаи. я люблю гулять. летом я поеду на море. во владивосток, у меня там живут тетя и дядя. у них свой бизнес. летом я буду работать на батуте. умею кататься на драгомборде. скоро будет 13

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My name is vika to me 12 years old. i go in for sports gymnastics and track and field athletics. i love the sweet, i have a younger brother cyril. there would be hamsters, fish, parrots. i like walking. in the summer i will go to the sea. in vladivostok, my aunt and uncle live there. they have their own business. in the summer i will work on a trampoline. i know how to ride a dragom board.

1she murmured that life was getting so sad. 2 the doorman answered that the man had left the hotel ten minutes before. 3 jane was sorry that she had broken his watch and added that she was sorry. 4.he wondered what issues the president would discuss at the summit the following week. 5 she tried to explain that he wouldn't like the concert because he couldn't understand music. 6 he insisted that he had always been honest with me. 7 she said that they thought of going to spain for their honeymoon. 8 we knew that water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.

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