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Составьте вопросы, используя глагол to be 1. at home / your mother? 2. your parents / well? 3. interesting / your job? 4. the shops / open today? заполните пропуски, используя глагол в pastsimple want get clean have 1. i … my teeth three times yesterday. 2. when i was a child, i … to be a doctor. 3. she … up at 6 o’clock in the morning. 4. he … a cup of coffee after the shower. закончите предложения, используя нужную степень сравнения прилагательных 1. helen’s car isn’t very big. she wants a … one. (big) 2. these flowers aren’t very nice. the blue ones are … (nice) 3. my job isn’t very interesting. i want to do something … (interesting) 4. itwasaverycoldday. it was … day of the year. (cold) 5. she’saverypopularsinger. she’s … singer in my country. (popular) 6. sydneyisalargecity. it’s … city in australia. (large) переведите следующие предложения на язык 1. я хотел бы пойти в кино вечером. 2. он хотел бы поиграть завтра в теннис. 3. энн хотела бы купить апельсинов. 4. что бы вы хотели попить? – стакан воды, . 5. не хотел бы ты пойти погулять? – да, хотел бы. 6. я устал (tired). я хотел бы пойти поспать сейчас.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. is your mother at home? 2. are your parents well? 3. is your job interesting? 4. are the shops opened today? 1.cleaned 2.wanted 3.got 4.had 1.bigger 2.nicer 3.more interesting 4.the coldest 5.the most popular 6.the largest 1.i would like to go to the cinema tonight. 2.he would like to play tennis tomorrow. 3.ann would like to buy oranges. 4.what would you like to drink? - a glass of water, please. 5.would you like to walk with me? - yes, i would. 6.i tired. i would like to go to sleep now.

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