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Form a 1. i’d like to hear the whole story (on / in / at) brief. 2. their devotion (on / at / to) the country is just wonderful. 3. judging (at / by / for) the number of votes the candidate is winning. 4. nothing can influence (on / - / at) his final decision. 5. don’t read these letters, just look them (up / for / through). 6. could you please look (for / through / after) my plants. i’m going away on holiday. 7. children! take this rule (down / away / after) and remember it! 8. my sister takes (down / back / after) our father and i’m more like our mother. 9. ann is a vegetarian. she’s given (up / out / away) eating meat. 10. the teacher started to give (away / out / up) the exam papers. 11. i heard voices but couldn’t make (off / out / up) what they were saying. 12. the thieves made (off / out / up) in a stolen car. 13. it was frosty yesterday. and when i came home, it still (snowed / is snowing / was snowing). 14. we can’t go for a walk. it (rains / is raining / has rained) hard. 15. when you (will return / return / returned) to the city, you’ll visit museums and galleries. 16. at this time tomorrow jennifer (will work / will be worked / will be working). 17. how long (do you know / have you known / have you been knowing) mr jones? 18. he (was writing / has written / has been writing) a letter since he came home. 19. when we came back to the camp, the sun (rose / had risen / has risen). 20. i will go to the country if the weather (change / will change / changes). 21. ten matches (were played / will played / will be played) next season. 22. the harvest (gathered / was gathering / was gathered) in october. 23. a lot (can do / can done / can be done) to stop the destruction of forests. 24. the vegetables (buying / bought) in the market are very fresh. 25. i’d like to be an explorer (discovering / discovered) new lands. 26. what’s the name of the channel (separating / separated) england from france? 27. i’d like you (to spend / spend / spent) this summer in sheffield. 28. i have never heard anyone (to sing / sing / sang) so well. 29. do your parents let you (to sit / sit / sat) up late? 30. sam asked mary if (had she seen / did she see / she had seen) the mighty mississippi. 31. mary asked tom (keep / to keep / kept) his things clean. 32. professor gordon said water pollution (has become / became / had become) worse. 33. mr smith asked his neighbours (didn’t break / to not break / not to break) the law. 34. the teacher asked (if i obeyed / do i obey / if i obey) my parents. 35. tom asked (where were these tomatoes / where these tomatoes were / where these tomatoes had) been grown.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. in 2. to 3. by 4. - 5. through 6. after 7. down 8. after 9. up 10. out 11. out 12. off 13.  was snowing14.  is raining15.  return16.  will be working17.  have you known18.  has been writing19.  had risen20.  changes21.  will be played22.  was gathered23.  can be done24.  bought25.  discovering26.  separating27.  to spend28.  sing29.  sit30.  she had seen31.  to keep33.  not to break34.  if i obeyed35.  where these tomatoes had

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