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Перевести из прямой речи в косвенную. начала предложений даны. 1.“ open the door, please! ”, said mr. johnson to his son. mr johnson wanted… 2.” don’t go there alone! ”, said her mother. her mother did not want… 3.”be quick! ”, said the teacher to us. the teacher told 4.” i hate when you make so much noise! ”, said my sister. my sister hated… 5. “tell me everything you know! ”, asked my friend. my friend would like…

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. his son to open the door 2. her to go there alone 3. to be quick 4. when i made  so much noise5. to hear everything i know

1) i saw ann yesterday.she a walkman a)was wearing b)wore c) would wear 2) he asked me where when i came to london next time a)will stay  b) would stay c)stayed 3)he said to the cinema next day a)would go b)went c)will go

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