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Ответы на вопрос:

«миллионы людей хотят выучить язык. есть много различных методов и главная проблема-как выбрать лучшее». "millions of people want to learn english. there are many different methods and the main problem-how to choose the best."

Adjective: ent — different.

Someday global warming will cause the melting of glaciers, and all the land will go under water. it would seem that humanity is doomed to extinction(at least until the gills do not grow), but no. there will be cities that will design people. this will be huge ships-the island on which we can survive. in my fantasy, this will be a beautiful city. their islands will be similar to water lilies, and called appropriately – the lilypad. in fact, this whole floating city for 50 thousand people. cities will be free to swim the ocean and not be afraid of warm and cold currents. not forgotten and the environmental component – solar, wind, tidal, biomass – in general, without energy the city will not remain in any case. and furthermore, the special titanium "skin" of the island will be able to suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in its titanium dioxide "skin". city island consists of three "petals" and the lagoon, where there is everything necessary for a full life. in my idea , the lilypad may be moored to the shore and swim freely in the open ocean. of course, before the establishment of such cities is still very far, but it seems to me that in case of environmental disaster, a floating city will be very handy. especially because they look fantastic. this is a great development of the future,and most importantly very interesting. and what are cities in your dreams ?

Популярно: Английский язык