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In the african jungle a lion caught a mouse and was about to kill it. “don’t kill me! ” asked the mouse. “believe me, i can be very useful. some day i am sure i will be able to help you.” the lion laughed. “i don’t think such a small creature will ever be able to help me, he said.” “but i’ll free you anyhow. however, next time we meet i may kill you.” and the lion let the mouse go. a few days later the lion got in a hunter’s net. he couldn’t free himself and roared furiously. soon the mouse appeared. it chewed the ropes of the net, and freed the lion. “thanks,” the lion roared. “because of your help, i will never do any harm to you in the future.” 1. it all happened in the jungle. a) african b)indian c) australian 2. a lion caught a mouse a) killed it b) was about to kill it c) was killed by it 3. the lion was that the mouse would be able to help him some day. a) not sure b) sure c)glad 4. the lion agreed to free the a) if it helped him b) anyhow c) if it chewed the ropes of the net 5. the lion said he a) would kill the mouse in future b) would possibly kill it in future c)would possibly live with it in future 6. when the lion got in a net the mouse a) ignored him b) freed him c)didn’t help him 7. the lion said he would never do any harm to the mouse because a) of its help b) he liked the little animal c)he wanted to be kind

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1а 2 б 3а 4б 5а 6б 7а вроде бы так

Які основні відмінності між двома місцями роботи: вуличним кафе і музеєм? що може бути хорошого чи поганого в роботі кафе чи музею? на вулиці які особисті якості вам потрібні, щоб добре виконувати кожну роботу? яка робота вам сподобається більше? чому?

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