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There are four seasons in the year. there are winter, spring, summer and autumn. my favourite season is summer because i was born in summer. it is warm and sometimes hot in this season of the year. there are lots of fruit, berries and vegetables. in summer i can spend much time near the river. i can swim there and lie in the sun. i can ride my bicycle. i can go for a walk with my friends or my family.  we go to the forest to look for berries and mushrooms. we go to the village for a month. my grandparents live there. my sister and i help them in the garden. and of course i like summer very much because there are the longest holidays in summer.  переклад: рік має чотири пори року. це (є) зима, весна, літо і осінь. моя улюблена пора – це літо, тому що я народився(лась) влітку. в цю пору року тепло, а інколи жарко. є багато фруктів, ягід і овочів. в літку я можу проводити багато часу біля річки. я можу плавати і лежати на сонці. я можу кататись на своєму велосипеді. я можу йти на прогулянку з моїми друзями чи сім’єю. ми йдемо в ліс шукати (збирати) ягоди і гриби. ми їздимо в село на місяць. моя бабуся і дідусь живуть там. моя сестра і я ємо їм в саду.

5.dinner was being cooked by mother from two till three.

1.alex wasn't recognized by us.

2.a completely false idea was given by tom.

3.a big party is being given by him and we are invited.

4.the leading role in this film is played by poal hogan.

6.my book was borrowed by my yonger sister without asking.

7.my car is being repaired by derek now.

8.the way i dress always is criticized by her.

9.the washing was being done by kate at that time.

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