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3. открой скобки, используя степени сравнения прилагательных. the alps are (high) than the urals. my dog is (fast) than your dog. this film is (bad) than that film. he is the (good) student in our group. my house is (big) than your house. this is the (small) room in our flat. which building is the (high) in moscow?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Higher faster worse best bigger smallest highest

The building was made of glass. The wall was made of stone. This book is made from Paper. The coin is made of expensive silver. The gate was made of wood.


Здание было сделано из стекла. Стену сделали из камня. Эта книга сделана из Бумаги. Монета сделана из дорогого серебра. Ворота были сделаны из дерева.

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