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Переведите на язык, учитывая функции герундия и причастий: 1. having a sense of personal accomplishments and achievements, feeling in control of their own destiny, and realizing their dreams are also powerful motivators. 2. being appointed head of the department dr. green resumed his work on advertising. 3. they object to the data being published before all the experiments will be completed. 4. marketing administration includes a variety of research activities necessary in the marketing program including investigation of price and discount offered. 5. demographic data fed into a computer can reveal the buying habits of consumers.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. имея чувство личного достижения и успехи, ощущение контроля над собственной судьбой, и, реализуя свои мечты, также являются мощными мотиваторами.  2. будучи назначен заведующим отделом доктора грин возобновил свою работу на рекламу.  3. они возражают, чтобы данные были опубликованы раньше все эксперименты будут завершены.  4. маркетингового включает в себя разнообразные научно-исследовательской деятельности, необходимых в маркетинговой программе, включая расследование цене и со скидкой.  5. демографических данных в компьютер может выявить покупательские привычки потребителей.

Five years ago, i was at university. i've always wanted to become a teacher and work at the institute. i studied two foreign languages​​: english and german. i liked to study, and other items. we read a lot and wrote and often worked in the library. i graduated in the year 199, and went to another city. i work at a college. i have a lot of students. they usually learn well. i have a small family: his wife and two children. my wife is a doctor, but it does not work now. my son goes to school, and my daughter goes to kindergarten. in the summer we go to my parents. they live in siberia and we will go there by train. i think the kids will like travel.

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