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Перевести предложения в passive voice : обычно кофе импортируется из бразилии . автомобили производятся во многих странах? эти документы по факсу не . компрессор для этих машин производятся здесь . наши каталоги будут напечатаны в пятницу . дата следующего собрания не была указана . для тебя зарезервируют комнату в grand hotel. мне показали картину. где ты родился? их заставили сказать правду. большая просьба, не переводите с онлайн переводчиков.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. usually coffee is imported from brazil. 2. are cars manufactured in many countries? 3. these documents cannot be transferred by fax. 4. compressors for these cars are made here. 5. our catalogues will be printed on friday. 6. the date of the next meeting wasn't mentioned. 7. a room at grand hotel will be booked for you. 8. i was shown a picture. 9. where were you born? 10. they were forced to tell the truth.

1coffee is usually imported from brazil. 2 are cars manufactured in many countries? 3 these documents can't be sent forward by fax. 4 a compressor for these cars is made here. 5 our catalogues will be printed on friday. 6 the date of the next meeting wasn't mentioned. 7 a room will be booked for you at grand hotel. 8 i was shown a picture. 9 where were you born? 10 they were made to tell the truth.

1 carton

2 box

3 can

4 bottle

5 jar

6 tin

7 cup

8 packet


Популярно: Английский язык