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Harry potter lives with his family сделайте предложение отрицательным

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Ответы на вопрос:

Harry potter doesn't live with his family. при отрицательной форме в настоящем длительном времени добавляется глагол do (does для 3 лица) . окончание s(es) у глагола при переходе в отрицательную форму переносится на глагол

ответ:1) Tom is playing golf now. Usually he does not play golf; he usually watches golf on TV.

2) We are reading Harry Potter now. We always read books after school in our living room.

3) Look! Sally plays the piano. Usually she does not play the piano, usually she sings

4) Listen! Tim and Tom read books together in the bedroom. Usually they don’t read books together, usually they play computer games.

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