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Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. use only one word in each space. there is an example at the beginning (0). the meaning of colour we may chose (0)example: to wear particular colours just because of personal preference or fashion. however, particular colours (1) always had special meanings or uses. black, for example, is generally thought (2) as suitable for serious occasions and in the west it is traditional for funerals. this is (3) the case in china, however, (4) white is worn at funerals. some colours may be chosen for practical reasons. road workers, who need to (5) easily seen, often wear jackets (6) bright yellow or orange stripes (7) are clearly visible to drivers. green is generally regarded as (8) calming colour, and so it is often used in places (9) doctors' waiting rooms. blue is many people's favourite colour, and there may be a connection (10) this and the popularity of the blue jeans. blue also symbolizes loyalty and for (11) reason fashion consultants recommend wearing blue clothes to job interviews. so the next time you buy something to wear in your favourite colour, stop and think. (12) does it say about you?

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we may chose (0)example: to wear particular colours just because of personal preference or fashion. however, particular colours (1) have always had special meanings or uses. black, for example, is generally thought (2) of

as suitable for serious occasions and in the west it is traditional for funerals. this is (3) not the case in china, however, (4) where white is worn at funerals.

some colours may be chosen for practical reasons. road workers, who need to (5) be

easily seen, often wear jackets (6) with bright yellow or orange stripes (7) which are clearly visible to drivers. green is generally regarded as (8) being calming colour, and so it is often used in places (9) like

doctors' waiting rooms. blue is many people's favourite colour, and there may be a connection (10) between

this and the popularity of the blue jeans. blue also symbolizes loyalty and for (11) this

reason fashion consultants recommend wearing blue clothes to job interviews.

so the next time you buy something to wear in your favourite colour, stop and think. (12) what

does it say about you?


Film star - кинозвезда i've always dreamt of becoming a film star orange juice - апельсиновый сок i would like to have a glass of orange juice, please invitation letter - пригласительный cinderella got an invitation letter to the ball post office - почтовое отделение i went to the post office to send her the parcel apple pie - яблочный пирог my grandma always used to bake apple pies art gallery - картинная галерея we went to the art gallery last saturday football match - футбольный матч barcona is playing against milan in the most intriguing football match of the year birthday party - праздник в честь дня рождения i had the best birthday party when i was seven

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