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По ) write the correct form of present simple or present continuous. 1) we (to be) always ready for our lessons 2) my mother (to cook) very well 3) my granny (not to work) 4) my fther (not to be) an home now. he (to work) at his offiсe 5) what you (to do) now? i ( to read) the poem 6) tom usually ( to get up) at seven o'clock 7) where you (to live) 8) where ann ( to be)? she ( to sleep) 9) sometimes he ( to watch) tv in the evening 10) you ( to understand) your teacher?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) we are always ready for our lessons 2) my mother cooks very well 3) my granny doesn't work . 4) my father isn't at home now. he is working at his offiсe 5) what are you doing now? i am reading the poem 6) tom usually gets up at seven o'clock 7) where do you live ? 8) where is ann ? she is sleeping 9) sometimes he watches tv in the evening 10) do you understand your teacher?

1.  artistic ensemble today stands on the town square. (художественный ансамбль сегодня выступает на городской площади) 2.  beautiful butterfly flew past me. (прекрасная   бабочка пролетела мимо меня) 3.  this girl was very cheerful. (это девушка была весёлой) 4.  this skill is considered to be helpful in my work. (этот навык считается полезным в моей работе) 5.  the pessimistic attitude is not welcome! (пессимистичный настрой не ! ) 6.  life is wonderful. (жизнь замечательна) 7.  he was athletic build. (у него было спортивное телосложение) 8.  firefighters need to be very careful. ( нужно быть осторожными) 9.  this boy had been forgetful. (этот мальчик был забывчив) 10.  optimistic attitude is welcome! (оптимистичный настрой ! )  11.  she realized that her new friend was a thoughtful man. (девушка поняла, что её новый друг был вдумчивым человеком.) 12.  she has been energetic. (девушка   была энергичной)

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