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Рассказ о питомце по аннглискому мой кот серый и любит рыбу нужно можно кратко

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Ihave a cat. i love him so much. he has a gray color and is very fond of eating fish. he is affectionate and kind. everywhere he follows me. likes to play and sleep. he is the best friend.

Ihave got a cat. it’s name is margosha. it is four years old. we took it when it was a kitten. it is grey. it has got green eyes. it likes playing. and i always play with it. margosha likes when i pat it.i feed and give water to margosha. it likes fish and meat.  sometimes i wash it. i like my cat. it is very kind and funny. margosha is a good pet. it is my friend.   перевод: у меня есть кошка. ее зовут маргоша. ей четыре года. мы взяли ее, когда она была котенком. она серая. у нее зеленые глаза. она любит играть. и я всегда играю с ней. маргоша любит, когда я ее глажу. я кормлю и воду маргоше. она любит рыбу и мясо. иногда я купаю ее. я люблю мою кошку. она добрая и забавная. маргоша — хороший питомец. она мой друг.

1. i think it is very important to have family traditions. in our family we have the following traditions. every sunday we gather together in the morning with my parents. we have breakfast and then get dressed. at about 10 o'clock we usually go to the church. where we meet my grandparents. we stay during the whole servise. then we go over to the grandparents' house, where we have a family dinner. during the dinner we discuss everything that happened during the week. we also a tradition to spend victory's day with my grandparents. in fact, my great-grandparents are still alive. on vicroty's day, on th 9-th of may, we always come over to their place and bring flowers. they both took part in the great patriotic war. they are my heros! of corse, our family traditions is to spens the new year's eve all together. we prepare presents for each other and after the midnight we open them. i love our family traditions. when i have my own family, i will surely continue all the traditions my parents taught me!

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