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Перепишите и письменно переведите на язык следующие предложения. обратите внимание на перевод простых, продолженных и сложных времен глагола в страдательном залоге 1.agricultural machines are widely used in cattle-breeding. 2.our farm has been fully mechanized to increase its out-put. 3.several machines are being repaired in our shop.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. сельскохозяйственные машины широко используются в животноводстве.2. д ля увеличения объёма продукции наше хозяйство полностью механизировано.3. сейчас в нашей мастерской ремонтируется несколько машин.

1. are there . any.. sweets in your bag? - yes, there are . 2. i have some good friends. they can help me if i need them. 3. would you like some… coffee? 4. she has mistakes in her test because she is an excellent student. 5. can i bring you some… magazines? you can read them while you are waiting. 6. has she got .. any. nephews or nieces? - she has nephews, but she hasn’t got any… nieces. 7. he has english books in this bookcase. he needs to buy some… . 8. did you make any… friends in america?

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