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1. we spent pleasant evening at smiths’. a. 0, the b. a, the c. the, the d. a, 0 2. you can’t visit capital of great britain without seeing buckingham palace. a. the, 0, 0 b. the, 0, the c. the, the, 0 d. a, 0, the 3. we reached village before sunset. a. a, the b. the, the c. a, a d. the, 0 4. people who live in netherlands are called dutch. a. the, 0 b. the, the c. 0, 0 d. 0, the 5. we had an early dinner and then went to the globe theatre. a. an, the b. 0, the c. an, 0 d. 0, 0 6. where does amazon flow into, pacific or atlantic ocean? a. the, the, the b. the, 0, 0 c. 0, the, the d. 0, 0, 0 7. ferguson has traveled everywhere from central asia to arctic. a. 0, the b. 0, 0 c. the, the d. the, 0 8. after leaving school, i worked as cleaner at hospital. a. o, a, the b. the, a, the c. o, o, o d. the, a, o 9. real winter has come at last. a. a b. the c. o d. some 10. the television is rather . can you turn it down? a. loudly b. loud c. noise d. aloud 11. who to see you last night? a. comes b. came c. did come d. does come 12. he agree now? a. is b. does c. has d. had 13. i saw katie yesterday. she in australia for the last year. a. was working b. has been working c. has worked d. had been working 14. something out of that window when i under it. a. fall, was standing b. has fallen, stood c. fell, was standing d. fall, stood 15. i suddenly remembered that i my wallet in the car. a. left b. had left c. have left d. was leaving 16. by the time we reach the station, the train . a. will have left b. will leave c. is going to leave d. will be left 17. diana, what are you doing here? our meeting . a. has cancelled b. had been cancelled c. cancelled d. has been cancelled 18. a few years ago there was a tremendous inflation and all the prices . a. raised b. rise c. arisen d. rose 19. i don’t know what to sharon. a. have happened b. has happened c. had happened d. would happen 20. now. a. is being interviewed b. is interviewed c. is been interviewing d. interviews 21. i can’t come to the phone. i a bath. a. have b. had c. am having d. was having 22. “how long were you in london? ” he said. a. he asked me how long i was in london. b. he asked me how long i had been in london. c. he asked me how long had i been to london. d. he told me how long i had been in london. 23. it all night, so in the morning the streets were flooded. a. had been raining b. was raining c. has been raining d. rained 24. when i arrived, they left for los angeles. a. they left for los angeles before i arrived. b. as soon as they left for los angeles i arrived. c. they left for los angeles after my arrival. d. i arrived when they were leaving for los angeles. 25. look at those men in dark glasses! i think we . a. are watching b. are watched c. will be watching d. are being watched 26. she noticed him away from the house. a. been running b. run c. to run d. being run 27. i remembered the race. a. the horse’s winning b. the horse to win c. the horse winning d. the horse’s to win 28. he ran all the way home without . a. stopping b. stop c. he stopped d. not stopping 29. my desk has been moved. = someone a. moved my desk. b. has moved my desk c. have moved my desk.

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1a/ the 2 b 3 d 4 c 5  6 b 7 b 8 a 9 a 10 loud 11 a 12 a 13 c 14 d  а дальше у меня не прогружается

1.have just called / didn't call 2.has already answered / answered 3.haven't seen / met 4.has arrived / arrived 5.have been / spent 6.have had / had

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