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Сделать по . what stories are these sentences from? put the verbs in the correct form( use present perfect). "пропущено you given away our cow for five beans? " cried the mother. " пропущено you guessed my name? " said the little black thing with a long tail.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Вобоих пропущенных словах - have. первый вопрос: что это за . я вам переведу, а вы уж сами пишите что это за . "ты отдал нашу корову за 5 бобов? " - воскликнула мама. "ты угадал мое имя? " - сказала маленькая, черная чтучка с длинным хвостом.

1. we have to go to school every day, but we don't have to go to school on sunday. 2. my brother and i don't have to make breakfast. our mum makes it. 3. mum doesn't have to go shopping. dad goes shopping twice a week. 4. dad has to wash our car at weekends. 5. mum does't have to drive to work.she walks. 6. we have to wear a school uniform. it's dark blue.

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