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You have 30 minutes to do this task. you have received a letter from your english – speaking pen friend, mike . … my older brother spends too much time playing computer games. his passion for computers worries the whole family. …are you keen on computer games? what do you use your computer for? how long do your parents let you use a computer a day? why? … write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. write 80 - 100

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Увас есть 30 минут для выполнения этой . вы получили письмо от вашего – говоря другу по переписке, майк .  мой старший брат тратит слишком много времени играя в компьютерные игры. его страсть к компьютерам  заботы всей семьи. увлекаешься компьютерными играми? что вы используете ваш компьютер? как долго ваш  родители позволяют пользоваться компьютером в день? почему? напишите ему письмо и ответить на его 3 вопроса. записи 80 - 100

If all children must go to school to get secondary education, it means that secondary education is compulsory in russia, britain, australia and is most developed countries secondary education is compulsory. a student is a person getting education either at college or university. process of getting knowledge we call education. it can be secondary or higher, paid or free. a task to write some sentence many times is dull, it is used as a king of punishment. it is king of punishment, when a student is not allowed to come to school for a few days or weeks. a school subject, when a students must count, solve problems and do difficult tasks is maths.

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