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Пассивный речевой практике ремейк данного предложения от ав пв. ум времена и модальные конструкции. version: 1.0 starthtml: 0000000167 endhtml: 0000007193 startfragment: 0000000501 endfragment: 0000007177 present simple small children usually attend kindergartens both in russia and great britain. present simple students don’t need to take national exams after finishing primary school. past simple all the students entered the college. future simple the universities will provide free or paid education to school graduators. modal parents should support children in their wish to enter a college. modal no one must miss the elective classes to prepare for the exams. present perfect tutors have played with children and have taught them reading and writing at nursery classes. past simple simon didn’t choose the subjects to take at state exams. future simple will our teacher explain us the rules of taking the exam? modal students can choose any optional course they would like. present progressive school children are writing a composition for the exam preparation now. past simple my parents allowed me to leave school after the 9th grade. future simple joanne will get a high mark for the essay. modal boarding schools must provide the students with accomodation. present progressive my classmates are filling in the application forms for the state exams at the moment.

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Present simple kindergartens are usually attended by small children both in russia and great britain. present simple national exams aren't taken by students after finishing primary school. past simple the college was entered by all the students. future simple free or paid education will be provided by the universities to school graduators. modal parents children should be supported in their wish to enter a college. modal the elective classes mustn't be missed by no one to prepare for the exams. present perfect children have been played with the tutors and have been taught reading and writing at nursery classes. past simple the subjects weren't chosen by simon to take at state exams. future simple will we be explained the rules of taking the exam by our teacher? modal any optional course can be chosen by students. present progressive a composition is being written by school children for the exam preparation now. past simple i was allowed to leave school after the 9th grade. future simple a high mark will be got by joanne for the essay. modal the students must be provided with accommodation by boarding schools . present progressive the application forms for the state exams are being filled by my classmates at the moment.

1. the table was set for dinner. 2. mend my shirt, all right? 3. fiona spread butter on the bread and suddenly dropped it. 4. let's fix the date and time of our meeting. 5. the sight of the daughter's pale face made mother understand everything. 6. teaching is a noble profession. 7. don't add the  milk to your coffee. it's sour. 8. do you believe that fortune  tellers can tell the fortune? 9. have you ever been to a book fair? 10. the boys' laughter sounded loud and unplesant. 11. is this a good deal? 12. why is tom's smile so sour? is everything ok with him? 13. unfortunately, little chris was late for the lesson. 14. there is a hole in my mitten. will you mend it? 15. it was early morning. we were setting off on a journey. 16. there were golden wheat fields on both sides of the road.

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