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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требу- ющейся форме, так чтобы получить present continuous или present perfect. ! 1. what's the matter? why he (to stop)? 2. my cousin (to look) for a job, but he (not to find) a job yet. 3. it (to be) impossible for her to feel at home here. 4. what you (to study) now? 5. they just (to give) you a pay rise. 6. sophie is busy. she (to knit) a sweater for her grandson. 7. you only (to have) a piece of cake? you (not to eat) much. 8. people (to plant) carrots and tomatoes now. 9. you (to go) to plant tomatoes this year? 10. johnny, who finally (to find) a new job, (to give) a big party. 11. how long you (to be) sick? 12. you (to see) any good movies recently? 13. what you (to look) forward to? 14. nancy (to look) forward to this weekend. 15. she (to go) to read shakespeare and she (not to go) to

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. what's the matter? why he stoping? 2. my cousin looks for a job, but he finds a job yet. 3. it is impossible for her to feel at home here. 4. what you studying now? 5. they just giving you a pay rise. 6. sophie is busy. she knits a sweater for her grandson. 7. you only haves a piece of cake?   you eating much. 8. people planting carrots and tomatoes now. 9. you go to planttomatoes this year? 10. johnny, who finally finds a newjob, gives a big party. 11. how long you are sick? 12. you sees any good movies recently? 13. what you looks forward to? 14. nancy looking forward to thisweekend. 15. she goes to read shakespeare and she isn t go to

Это  с переводом ) 1 я занят i am busy 2 она работает слишком много she works too much 3 мы часто ходим за покупками we often go shopping 4 им нравится рок-музыка they like rock music 5 он никогда не пьет алкоголь he never drinks alcohol 6 я встаю в семь часов утра каждый день i get up at 7 o’clock in the morning every day 7 ты выглядишь уставшим you look tired 8 это интересно it is very interesting 9 они часто нам they often help us 10 мне нужно взять отпуск i need to take a holiday

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