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1the city of pompeii was famous for its narrow /thick streets. 2 jason wants to see a performance at the opera house / block. 3 the navajo were a native / public tribe of north america. 4 avatar was a great film and the plot / star was interesting. 5 the ancient egyptians transported / travelled goods by boat. 6 did you know that mark writes a cooking site/blog? 7 in europe, shaking/nodding your head means no. 8 amy seemed lost/puzzled in thought when i saw her. 9 in some countries, it is rude to blow/purse your nose in public. 10 it is easy to cut/twist your ankle when skiing. выберите правильный ответ

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Ответы на вопрос:

1the city of pompeii was famous for its narrow streets. 2 jason wants to see a performance at the opera house. 3 the navajo were a native tribe of north america. 4 avatar was a great film and the plot was interesting. 5 the ancient egyptians transported goods by boat. 6 did you know that mark writes a cooking blog? 7 in europe, shaking your head means no. 8 amy seemed lost in thought when i saw her. 9 in some countries, it is rude to blow your nose in public. 10 it is easy to twist your ankle when skiing.

1. she is being helped with the housework. 2. some letters were being given to mrs jones by the secretary. 3. now he is being given by the traffic warden a ticket for illegal parking. 4. our students were being taught by us english and french. 5. the tourists are being shown the sights of athens. 6. the food haven’t been delivered yet. 7. have the cases been put upstairs? 8. had he been offered a better job? 9. the date of the meeting will have been changed. 10. sarah has been offered a very good job.

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