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Вы хотите объяснить маленькому ребенку, почему курение и употребление наркотиков опасны, что вы скажете, вы можете использовать некоторые из этих идей: to be hardly able to live normal life to become less attractive to come down with colds more often to commit crimes to get money for drugs and cigarettes to feel terriblt sick to get heart problems problems to get pains all over to get poor teeth and bad breath to get week eyes to grow less physically active to have weaker children to live a shorter life to look much older to lose appetite to lose much weight to lose sleep to risk catching infections только не сложные предложения

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If you smoke/use drugs, you will become less attractive. if you smoke/use drugs, you will feel terrible sick. if you smoke/use drugs, you will look much older и так далее. убираешь частицу to, и строишь предложения. можешь почитать также conditionals(0,1), чтобы понять, как это работает. 

From time immemorial, people lived on the northern shores of the black sea. one of the oldest inhabitants of the region were the cimmerians, the scythians and the ancient slavs. from the 7th century bc greek colonists appeared. by the time of the emergence of kievan rus territory of the present odessa region was inhabited by the east slavic tribes of the tivertz and the ulicha. in the 13th and 14th centuries, when the tartars were in the northern black sea coast, the site of genoese ships was in place of the present odessa. the ancient portolans (naval maps) brought to us its name - ginestra (so in italian is called drok - a shrubby plant with yellow flowers, especially common in the black sea steppes). as is known, by the end of the 14th - the beginning of the 15th century, the north-western black sea coast passed from the dominion of the tatars to the possession of the grand duchy of lithuania. it was to the 15th century that the first mention was made in written sources about the settlement of kachibey, the closest predecessor of odessa.

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