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Напишите транскрипцию! pam didn't see the film last week. i drew a picturefor my school project two days ago. we sang songs at the school party. did he buy a comic yesterday? the children didn't take lunchto school yesterday. mum made a delicious cake last sunday. did she come bask late?

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Пэм не смотрела фильм на прошлой неделе я рисовал рисунок для школьного проэкта 2 дня назад мы пели песни на школьной вечеринке он покупал комикс вчера? дети не брали обед в школу вчера мама сделала вкусный торт в прошлое воскресенье она поздно вернётся?

School life i am a pupil of the 11-th form, i study at school number 9. i would like to tell your about our school life. i go to school five days a week. our classes start at 8 o'clock a. m. and last till 3 o'clock p.m. so we have 6 or 7 lessons a day. we study many different subjects: russian, english, french, literatures, history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, programming and computer sciences. languages, literature and history are my favourite subjects. i make good marks in these subjects. the school year is divided into four terms, called quarters. it begins on the 1st of september known as a day of knowledge and finishes in may. each quarter is followed by holidays. every pupil has a day-book where the teachers put down the marks, that pupil has earned at the class. during the classes pupils are to answer the teacher's questions, do some exercises, write sentences, count, read. the pupils are often called to the blackboard. after every lesson the teachers give us home assignment. at the next lesson the teachers check them up. to do good at school one should make home assignments regularly, be active at the lessons and spend at least two-three hours every day studying. i like studying. my favourite proverb is "live and learn". 

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