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Переведите на язык плз я и моя семья живём в квартире. эта квартира имеет 3 комнаты. это кухня, гостиная, спальня.моя семья в данный момент состоит из 3 человек мама , папа и я .дома я люблю играть на моём компьютере с моими друзьями , а мама и папа в основном смотрят телевизор в гостиной .

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Ответы на вопрос:

My family and i live in an apartment. this apartment has three rooms. this is the kitchen, bedroom and living room. my family currently consists of three members mom dad and me. at home i like to play on your computer with your friends and mom and dad mostly watch tv in the living room

Iand my family live in an apartment. this apartment has 3 rooms. it's a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom. my family currently consists of 3 people: mom, dad and i. in my home i like playing on my computer with my friends, and mom and dad mostly watch tv in the living room.

Were, weren't, are


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