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Tatas hryhorovych shevchenko was born in village of moryntsi in the family of serfs. he lost his mother at the age of nine.  when taras wos eleven his father died. so the boy was orphaned and grew up in poverty and misery. at the age of 14 he become a servant in the house of his owner p. engelhardt. he apprenticed him to the painter shyriayev for 4 yers. at this time he met the russian poet brylov. brylov painted the portrait of the poet zhukovskiy and sold it for 2500 roubles. the money used to by shevchenko's freedom.

  1. if i knew the result now, i would phone her immediately.2. if i were you, i would stay at home.3. if you had not missed the train, you would have arrived in time.4. if they had known it before, they would have taken measures.5. your brother would become much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.6. if he were a first-class sportsman now, he had not been training enough last year. здесь они намудрили. условие не может быть в настоящем, а следствие в прошедшем. время не идёт в обратном направлении.7. if i had written the composition yesterday, i would be free now. mixed conditional, а не 2 или 3 типа.

Популярно: Английский язык