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Complete the sentences. 1) it is important jim to learn french. 2) i must do it. it is important me. 3)why do you think it is important you to run in the morning? 4) the doctor says this diet(1) is important my sister. 5) it is important children to help their parents. 6) it is important us to win this game. 7) living in the country is important your daughter. 8) do you really think it is important them to work here? 9) what is more important you - to live here and be happy or to have a lot of money but go away? 10) money is important me but money is not everyhing.

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1) for 2) for 3)for 4)for 5)for 6)for 7)for 8)for 9)for 10)for

1. To

2. -

3. To

4. To

5. -

6. To

7. -

8. -

9. To

10. -

11. -

12. To


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