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Translate from russian into english 1.мы обычно ходим гулять в парк. 2.я люблю читать книги в кровати. 3.он редко просыпается в 6 часов утра. 4.мой папа ходит на стадион по субботам. 5.его маленький брат играет с игрушками каждый вечер. 6.они обычно ужинают в 8 часов. 7.соя бабушка любит смотреть телевизор утром. 8.катя не любит играть в теннис.

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Ответы на вопрос:

We usually go for a walk to the park. i like to read books in the bed. he seldom wakes up at 6 o`clock in the morning. my father/dad goes to the stadium on saturdays. his little brother plays toys every evening.  they usually have supper at 8 o`clock. my grandmother loves to watch tv in the morning. katya doesn`t like to play tennis.

1)we usually go to the park 2)i love reading books in the bed 3)he gets up at 6 sparcely 4)my father goes to stadium on saturdays 5)his little brother plays with the toys every evening 6)they usually eat at 8 pm 7)my gm loves watching tv in the morning 8)katya doesnt like playing tennis

went to the park last night. I was in the park with friend. we went to the park by taxi. we drove for 2 hours. when we were driving, we saw a lot of interesting things, for example, a monument to the victory, a train. while traveling my friend fell very Hard. friend feels good now!

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