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1.do you like … products? a) dairy b) vegetable c) drink 2. can i have a chocolate … for dessert, please? a) juice b) ice cream c) honey 3. i’ll put some olive … on the salad. a) honey b) biscuits c) oil 4. let’s have some … with fish tonight. a) honey b) pepper c) rice 5. milk, water and juice are … a) meat b) drinks c) vegetable 6. she bought a … of chocolate. a) bar b) carton c) packet 7. can you pass me the … of milk, please? a) carton b) bar c) jar 8. put the … of orange juice back in the fridge. a) jar b) carton c) bar 9. i’ll get a … of biscuits while i’m at the shops. a) loaf b) jar c) packet 10. grandma gave us a … of jam. a) bar b) tin c) jar 11. is there … yoghurt in the fridge? a) some b) any c) much 12. to make this dish you need … tomatoes. a) some b) any c) no 13. we haven’t got … olive oil. a) a lot of b) many c) much 14. i think we have … milk. that will be enough. a) a little b) a few c) few 15. we have … of potatoes. you don’t have to buy it. a) a lot of b) many c) much

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1.а) 2.в) 3.с) 4.с) 5.в) 6.а) 7.а) 8.в) 9.с) 10.с) 11.в) 12.а) 13.с) 14.а) 15. - 

1. Boredom,

2. Relation,

3. Brotherhood,

4. Patriotism,

5. Admirer,

6. Clever,

7. Brilliantly,

8. Wisdom.

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