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Решить ! надо))0) скорость лодки против течения реки 22 км\час.найдите скорость течения реки,если за 4 часа по озеру она прошла 108,8 км

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) vc =   s : t = 108,8 км : 4 ч = 27,2 км/ч - собственная скорость 2)   vтеч = vпротив - vс = 27,2 - 22 = 5,2 км/ч - скорость течения - ответ
4,4(41 оценок)

108,8: 4=27,2 (км/ч) скорость по озеру 27,2-22=5,2 (км/ч) ответ: скорость течения 5,2 км/ч

1.Find the odd word. A) secretary farmer shelf engineer mechanic. B) short plump thin pink strong C) white third brown green blue D) eye ear mouth Thursday arm E) college doctor farmer mechanic pupil

2 Put the sentences in order. a) No, the red book. b) Can you give me that book? c) OK. And this pink pencil? d) Yes, thank you. e) This green book?


3 Complete the sentences. Use the words: staff room, classroom, playground, canteen, library, gym. 1) Pupils have lessons in classroom 2) Pupils have PE in a gym. 3) Teachers sit in a staff room. 4) There are shelves with books in a library. 5) Teachers and pupils have palov in a canteen.6) Pupils play in a playground.

4 Read and answer the questions. My name is Zafar. I have five lessons on Monday. The fifth lesson is Uzbek. The first lesson on Tuesday is English. It is my favourite subject. On Thursday the second lesson is computers. I like computers. It is interesting. But on Wednesday the third lesson is mathematics. I don’t like it. It is difficult. I have PE lessons on Tuesday and on Friday. I like PE. We play football. The first lesson on Saturday is art. It is funny.

1) What is the fifth lesson on Monday?

The fifth lesson on Monday is Uzbek.

2) What is Zafar's favourite lesson?

Zafar's favourite lesson is English.

3) Why does he like computers.

He likes computers because they are interesting.

4) Why doesn't he like mathematics.

He doesn't like mathematics because it is difficult.

5) When is PE?

PE is on Tuesday and Friday.


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