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Переделайте предложения из активного залога в пассивный 1. the company built a nice hotel for tourists in this area last year. 2. i'll buy a delicious cake for my birthday party. 3. they teach three languages at this school. 4. we should discuss this point at the next meeting. 5. they opened this interesting exhibition two weeks ago.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a nice hotel for tourists was built last year (by the company ). 2. a delicious cake will be bought (by me ). 3.   three languages are   tought at this school (by them). 4. this point should be discussed at the next meeting (by us ). 5. this interesting exhibition was opened two weeks ago ( by them ) .

1) we congratulate form 8-a on winning the school football competition

(поздравляем 8-а класс с победой в школьных соревнованиях по футболу)

2) our schoolchildren help the local society for protection of birds

( наши школьники местному обществу по охране птиц)

3) our school introduces a ban on mobile phone use in class

(школа вводит запрет на использование мобильных телефонов в классах)

4) school psychologist tells about stress and how to manage it

(школьный психолог рассказывает о стрессе и о том, как с ним справиться)

5) school office reminds of waste paper collection

(администрация школы напоминает о сборе макулатуры)

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