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A)read chip's letter.say what chip is fond of,what he is good at and what he is bad at. b)write out all adverbs from the letter.how many adverbs did you find? what adjectives are they formed from?

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Ответы на вопрос:

A) читайте письмо чипа. скажите, что любит чип, в чем он хорош и в чем он плох.б) напишите все наречия из письма. сколько наречий вы нашли? какие прилагательныеони сформированы из?

1: This is an earthquake at this time it is better to leave the high-rise buildings and be very careful. 2: It is a blizzard at this time it is better to stay at home because if you go out you can get sick! 3: At this time it is very hot and dry

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