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Переведите. few holidays tell us as much of the past as halloween. its origins date back hundreds of years to the druid festival of samhain, lord of rhe dead and prince of darkness, who according to celtic belief gathered up the souls of all those who had died during the year to present them to druid heaven on october 31.

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Немногие праздники говорят нам о прошлом, как о хэллоуине. его истоки восходят сотни лет к фестивалю друидов самхайна, господа мертвых и князя тьмы, которые, согласно кельтской вере, собрали души всех тех, кто умер в течение года, чтобы представить их на небеса друидов 31 октября .

We read newspapers, because it has a really ineresting information we have business talks, because its important for us we    go to a production plant, because we havent got a choicewe  read english texts, its very important for  our momwe  watch televesion, because i like programms about animals! we  look through catalogues, because i need a  new dresswe  phone the business partners, because we have some problems with a new mapwe    go to a cafe, because a year ago it was our first date

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