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Read and choose. 1 cats in the garden. a are watching b is watching 2 listen! piano. a is playing. b are playing 3 is it an orange? a you are eating b are you eating 4 look,mum! face! a'm painting. b painting 5 where's again? a she is climbing b is she climbing 6 the they're playing! a aren't swimming b isn't swimming !

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a

1- is watching 2- is playing 3- are you eating 4- am painting 5- is she climbing 6- aren't swimming 

Моя точка зору щодо іх обов'язків така: я повинна привчатися бути акуратною і працьовитою, виконуючи якісь і справи, я вчуся планування, вчуся ставити перед собою цілі і виробляти певні навички, які досягненню цих цілей. через якийсь час я розумію, що речі, покладені на місце, істотно економлять час, що витрачається на їх пошуки. робота вчить мене самодисципліни. виконуючи і справи, я вчуся створювати собі робочий настрій, натхнення, організовування. my point of view on domestic responsibilities as follows: i must get used to be neat and hardworking, doing some household chores, i'm planning, learning to set goals and develop certain skills that help achieve these goals. after a while i realize that things are put in place, significantly saving the time spent on their quest. homework teaches a child self-discipline. doing household chores, the child learns to create a working mood, inspiration, organized.

Популярно: Английский язык