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Перевести на helppp 30 я думаю что есенин и маяковский лучшие культовые писатели, потому что у них хорошо написанные рассказы и стихи .честно говоря, я никогда не устаю читать их загадочные и виртуальные , на самом деле мне также нравится читать книги зарубежных писателей .по правде говоря у меня есть много книг о космосе.лично я горжусь собой.возможно ,мне не следует этого говорить ,но все таки я советую читать много разных книг для развития слова для i think to be honest in fact to tell you the truth personally,i maybe i shouldn't tell you this,but

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Ithink that esenin and mayakovskyi are best of the iconic writers, because they have well-written stories and poems.to tell you the truth, i am never tired of reading their mysterious and virtuous stories. in fact, i also like reading foreign writers' books. to be honest, i have lots of books about space. personally, i am proud of myself. maybe i shouldn't tell you this, but i advise you to read many different books   for development.

Ithink yesenin and mayakovsky are the best cult writers, because they have well-written stories and poems. honestly, i never tire of reading their mysterious and virtual stories, in fact, i also like reading books by foreign writers. in truth, i there are many books about the cosmos. personally, i am proud of myself. perhaps i should not say this, but i still advise reading many different books for development

one of the most famous sports is football. lots of teenagers like to watch this kind of sport on tv.

there are some qualities that are very important for a professional career in sports. health: if you are not a healthy man/woman, then you are always sick and you cannot go to the training class, lesson. strength of mind: if you don’t have any strength of mind, you may stop wanting to be a sportsman. because it is very difficult.

this career is very attractive at first: isn’t it intresting to play on the stadium and win? but it is attractive only at first. really, it’s very difficult. you should spend half a day on training. but only few people really become champions.

я надеюсь я права, не ошиблась. удачи.

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